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Apples to Apples: Same-Day or Lab-Created Dental Crowns?

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — carydental @ 2:45 pm
A dental crown being held by a forcep.

Are you considering a same-day dental crown versus a lab-created, traditional crown? It can be hard to know what you’re comparing if you don’t understand the differences between the two. While both are deluxe restorations that protect your tooth while replacing large areas of damage or decay, their similarities end there.

Here’s some important information to help you decide between a lab-created crown or a CEREC same day crown.

What is a CEREC Crown?

You may have heard the term CEREC same day crown before, but what you may not know is what it means. The acronym CEREC stands for “Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.” These crowns are made right in your dentist’s office while you wait (around an hour) and are attached to your tooth as soon as they’re ready, right at the same appointment. Conversely, a lab created crown can take several weeks to be milled at a lab and then sent back to your dentist to be attached at a second appointment.

Key Differences


Lab created crowns are often made of a mix of metals, and while durable, don’t always look natural or blend in well with the rest of your teeth. Unfortunately, they can also cause damage to surrounding teeth.

CEREC crowns are made of ceramic or zirconia, both of which are durable and natural-looking. They typically last about 10 years but will eventually need to be replaced, but they pose no risk to surrounding teeth.


Another key difference between CEREC and lab created crowns is their fit. While lab created varieties are made with impressions taken by your dentist, CEREC uses CAD/CAM technology to take images that are uploaded into a computer and can create a much more accurate model for your new tooth. This means that your CEREC crown will not only fit better, if it does need any modifications, they can be done right there at your dentist’s office so you can still get your new crown that day.

With a lab created crown if it requires any adjustments it will need to be sent back to the lab and you’ll need to return for yet another appointment once it arrives.


CEREC and lab created crowns are often quite comparable in cost, and in some cases are actually less expensive. That’s why the first “e” stands for “economical!” Plus, because you can get it the same day, you don’t need to miss extra time at work or spend more gas and toll money getting to and from the dentist for a second appointment.

If you are debating between a CEREC or a traditional lab created crown, do the math. CEREC crowns are a more durable, affordable, natural looking, and safer way to restore a damaged tooth than traditional crowns.

About Dr. Singh

Dr. Bikram Singh believes that every patient is an individual, and that when it comes to caring for them there’s no such thing as “one size fits all.” Whether you need a general exam, a cosmetic dentistry procedure, or a CEREC same day crown, he and the team at Cary Dental Rejuvenation will never treat you like you’re just a number.

To experience the difference that personalized care makes, please visit our website today or call us at 919-460-5454.