Procedure for Dental Veneers:
Dental Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made porcelain shells of tooth-colored porcelain designed and placed over a tooth, to enhance your overall look. Veneers are bonded to the front of the tooth modifying their color, shape and size.
There are two main types of material used to fabricate a veneer:
- Composite resin: It is a one visit procedure done chair-side. Patients walk out with beautiful smile.
- Dental porcelain: These are Lab fabricated veneers for ultimate aesthetics and usually require two visits. These are fabricated by very skilled ceramists in the lab.
Indication for Dental Veneers:
Veneers are routinely used to fix:
- Discolored Teeth
- Worn Teeth
- Chipped or broken Teeth
- Misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped Teeth
- Tooth with gaps between them
Procedure for Dental Veneers:
One tooth or many teeth can simultaneously undergo the veneering process described below-
- Preliminary Diagnosis: It includes thorough exam. Dentist will also examine the teeth to make sure Veneers are appropriate for you and talk about the process, its price and if any restrictions.
- Preparation: Teeth may or may not need any preparation (grinding). If there is any modification involved in the tooth structure, it is very minimal. Impressions are done and sent to the lab for veneer fabrication. Patient leaves the office with temporary veneers covering the teeth.
- Final Treatment: On the final visit Dentist will place the Veneers on your teeth to try its fit and shade before completely cementing. Once patient is satisfied with the result, veneers are permanently cemented on the teeth.
Why you must get it done?
- Veneers can help you get rid of damaged tooth which can be due to many factors. The most typical is the use of certain medicines or by oral treatments that cause the teeth to become discolored.
- Dental veneers can also help with the improvement and the overall look of worn away teeth, also teeth that are irregular or out of alignment.
- Dental veneers feel and look very natural. Veneers are highly immune to discoloration from beverages and food stains.
Welcome to our caring, friendly and relaxing dental practice. We are totally focused on your oral health needs; our practice has been designed with patient comfort in mind to ensure that your dental experience is a pleasurable one. If you are looking for a caring dentist, be rest assured you will be in good hands. Call now at: 919-460-5454